Certified StoryBrand Guide with Halley McCrory, Casey Styers & Kris Jones

Can we talk about something that's been bugging me lately? I keep seeing talented real estate agents pouring their hearts (and marketing budgets) into content that just... disappears into the void. And after years of helping businesses tell better stories, I know exactly why this happens.

I recently sat down with the amazing Halle McCrory to unpack a counterintuitive truth that's transforming how successful agents connect with clients. Here's the thing – if you're making yourself the hero of your marketing (you know, showcasing all your awards and achievements), you might actually be pushing dream clients away.

Here's what you'll discover and why it matters to you:


🏠 Why you're too close to your own expertise to see what makes you different (I call this the "Bottle Effect") 

💫 The simple shift that turns scrollers into signed clients (without feeling salesy) 

⚡️ How to make both buyers and sellers feel like the hero of their story (using one core message)

Listen, I get it. Running a real estate business is demanding enough without the constant pressure to create fresh marketing content. That nagging feeling when another perfect-fit client signs with someone else? I've helped hundreds of agents move past that exact frustration.

That's why I'm excited to share this conversation with Halle. Because the truth is, the most successful agents aren't the ones with the fanciest marketing – they're the ones who know how to make their clients feel like the hero of the story.

Ready to transform how you show up in your market?

Listen to the full story here!

Certified StoryBrand Guide

Realtor Hacks, Tips and Tricks with Halle McCrory, Casey Styers and Kris Jones

[00:00:00] All right. And we are live. Uh, hi everyone. Welcome again to another, uh, episode of Realtor Hacks, Tips and Tricks. I am one of your hosts, Holly McCrory, Realtor and Team Lead for Empower Real Estate Group, uh, Expansion Team with eXp Realty, uh, known for selling a hundred homes a year in a small town of about a hundred thousand, um, host for American Dream TV and coach for Tar Keel Mooses.

Uh, sales team, and I've got my, this way, lovely co host on Casey Spires, downtown guru, uh, realtor and team lead in Raleigh, North Carolina. Um, but she really works the whole state. Uh, she's. Excellent. Especially on the coast as well. Um, and she's also an American dream TV host, um, podcasts coming on that.

And, um, we've also, yeah. And you're also doing a lot with, uh, Tariq's team as well. We're, we're both [00:01:00] in Tariq's, um, downline. So very exciting. Yes. So yeah, we've got a great episode today coming for you. We've got on Chris Jones of red door designs. She is a certified story brand guide. So if you don't know what that is, uh, you need to go read building a story brand by Donner, Donald Miller.

And, um, she's certified in this, this whole tactic of how to like better simplify your message and get more clarity across to your client to get more sales. I guess that's like my little spiel on it. Um, welcome Chris. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for having me. I'm really thrilled to be here. I know we are thrilled too.

Okay. So I want to start, I always start off like, tell us a little bit about your background. Um, where like, I know you have a little real estate influence in your family and you've worked with real estate agents as clients. Uh, give us a little bit on a, you know, background about you. [00:02:00] Well, I've been in the industry, not in the real estate industry, but in the marketing industry for 20 years and started out as a designer.

And. Was really good at building beautiful websites for my clients, but as the internet evolved, um, those websites started to not be as effective as they had been. And what I realized is that my clients were. Having a hard time telling their own story. And so I went out and I made it my mission to crack the code on not only how to tell a beautiful visual story, but also a written one too.

And so I traveled around, I went to workshops, I read books. I eventually got married, got married, got mentored. Donald Miller. He has already told him so, um, [00:03:00] and it was really a game changer for my business and my clients. And once I would implement the framework, magical things started to happen. Um, it, it, you mentioned earlier that it's a tool for clarity and.

It's a way to simplify your message, but it's also a way to really motivate people to take action. That's what we really want to do is we want to, we want to create a connection with our ideal people and that type of connection and basically tap into the things that they care about and the things that motivate them.

So they're the ones that take action and get excited about working with us. Yeah. Yeah. I love it. Yeah. Yeah. And I mean, even just like doing research, like looking at, so we have, I'll put up Chris's um, website down here if you go there. I [00:04:00] mean, you are a perfect example of looking at this. Like you, you look at your website and I know exactly what you're offering.

I know exactly what called it, like what I need to do to, to get the process started. I know all your pricing and everything. Like it's very, yeah, very clear. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. And there, and there's, you know, simple, I'm a big believer in less is more. And, and I think that that's really important. Often websites get overloaded with information and they, they, you know, I think the mistake that happens the most often is on our own website, or if you're a realtor and you have just a page within your parent company.

You kind of are like, what am I going to write here? Um, I guess I should write about myself and that makes perfect sense, but it isn't the best way to create that connection. So what happens when we write [00:05:00] too much about ourselves on our website is we make ourselves the hero of our own story. And we, we essentially kick the viewer out of us, out of a story, um, rather than inviting them into a narrative with us.

Where they're the hero and as the realtor, we are the guide, we are the Yoda to Luke Skywalker. We're the Mr. Miyagi. Yes, I love Karate Kid.

That was one of my biggest, I guess, like, takeaways from the book, and I'm sure it's everybody's, is that, because, well, I guess in real estate, we're taught, it's so much, So much of what we put out is, it, it has to be like self promotion so we can show some authority. But it's so true where we end up making ourselves the hero and I'm sure everybody is, I'm sure it's just like human nature to do that.

But in reality, it should be your client as the [00:06:00] hero and you're the one helping them like that. I was like, how have I not thought about it like that? I mean, well, it's, it's tricky. It's really tricky because it's really nuanced and it's really subtle. And you might, you might notice like some of your mentors online, you're like, they're talking all about themselves.

So if they're talking about themselves and they're making 10 million a year, I'm going to do what they do. But the nuance is that they're talking about themselves as it relates to you. And they're not just talking about themselves. So they're. They're telling a story, but it's so subtle that you don't even realize that they are.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that's, I feel like that'll come with some practice, but as like, as people kind of work through the steps to take to like build their story brand. That helps it become easier to, I don't know, does that make sense? Yeah. You know what it is? It doesn't, [00:07:00] it doesn't get easier. I hate to say it.

This is the hard truth. We are so close to our own selves. And when we are the brand, when I am the business and you are the business, I liken this to like, I call it the bottle effect. You are inside of the bottle trying to read the label that can only be read on the outside. And that is why it is so hard to write your own copy for your own business because you just, you can't get that perspective no matter how hard you try.

It's like, Trying to describe your own eyebrows without a mirror. Um, so that happens a lot. And then the other thing that happens a lot is the curse of knowledge. So we've been, you know, in the industry for a long time and there's all kinds of industry lingo that we use, especially in real estate, this happens a lot.

And then. Essentially, we forget what it's [00:08:00] like to not know what we know. And when that happens, that's called the curse of knowledge. And so often we'll like inundate the viewer of our website or our marketing materials with terminology that, that they don't know. And then they kind of feel dumb. And then again, no connections made there because of that.

So it is hard to write an intimidating process too. So, yeah, and you know, when, when you go into business for yourself, you know, when you're a realtor and you want to sell homes because you love that part of the process, you love the people, you like the hunt, you like to close the deal. And when you, when you signed up to be self employed, you didn't sign up to become a marketer or become a writer.

And that's like that just inevitable. Thing on the to do list that keeps moving to the end of the to do list, month after month, after month, like send out the newsletter, [00:09:00] update my, my profile page or update my website. And it's just, it's, it's just so, um, almost like torture. It's like, nobody wants to do it.

It's not fun. And when you try and do it, you sit there and look at a blank screen or social media is the same thing. You, it's just hard to know what to say. Um, So I want to let everybody off the hook around that. It's not you. It's hard for everybody because Yes, so I guess, um, you know, what are the biggest challenges you're seeing when you work with a real estate agent specifically for, you know, building their story brand?

Um, I guess when my team talked about it, it was I guess, well, you know, I'll let you go into the question and then I have like some of what our team kind of ran into because I [00:10:00] think what we ran into was maybe a little bit more specific to our area. And that, that could, okay. So I'll let you, yeah, I'll let you go.

Yeah. I'd love to hear that. Um, just to give everybody a very quick overview. This is even a more simplified version of StoryBrand than the book, the book shares, but essentially every story, every movie, every book you've ever read begins with a hero that has the problem. They don't know how to solve. And that hero is your client.

And eventually, about 20 minutes into every movie, another character gets introduced. That would be like a Mr. Miyagi. He comes into the scene, and he has a solution. He knows how to overcome the problem. And so, as Realtors, You are the guide. You are the Mr Miyagi and your job is to help the hero win the day to help them [00:11:00] achieve success and help them avoid failure.

So that's the fundamentals of the framework. And even if you just Started thinking about your marketing in those terms. Like, okay, what problem does my hero have? And if you started all your communication with the A problem that your heroes have, like I would recommend brain dumping like 10 problems that they struggle with.

Um, and then begin all your communication with that GBT even. Yeah, use chat QBT and, and that'll help you brainstorm and start, start your communication with that. That helps, that helps, well, so many things happen when you do that. Um, they feel seen, they feel heard, they feel like you care about them more than you care about writing about yourself.

And you begin to establish a resonance with them, you pull them into this story, you basically hook them into the story and our brains just [00:12:00] love stories so much when they begin with a problem they can't help your viewer or your ideal client can't help but engage when you begin a story that way. So that is kind of the fundamentals of storytelling.

And I would say that. The, the clients that I've worked with in the real estate industry, I think their biggest challenge is how to stand out in a crowded market. It's really hard to stand out and it's so relationship based, right? And so how do you show up online in a way that feels really authentic to you and that allows people to really get your essence and storytelling is the way to do it.

So if you're. You know, wanting to stand out and differentiating basically, it's hard to differentiate that this is like the best way to do that. The [00:13:00] other challenge that, um, a lot of realtors have is they have kind of two different audiences. So they're like, which audience do I communicate with on my page?

The buyers have a different problem than the sellers have. And so that's another challenge, but always we, we work through it with the framework. Right. Yeah. So you just kind of have like multiple frameworks then for whatever. Actually, you know, fundamentally. Yeah. Um, you, you can, like, I have clients, real realtor clients that come to me.

And they've got one page for their buyers and one page for your sellers. But then how do you know where to point people? A lot of people, you know, it gets a little bit confusing. That's not a bad way to do it. But I'm a big fan of finding that golden thread, that through line, [00:14:00] that what are the commonalities that both the buyer and the seller want?

What is motivating to them? They wanna maximize their profits. They wanna make a smart financial decisions. They want to, they want to get the, the deal closed, um, efficiently. They wanna get what they want. Um, all kinds of things that kind of overlap those two audiences. Okay, that, that, um, and the commonalities.

Okay. I'm just taking notes as well. I would say, um, for my team, uh, being in a town of only about a hundred thousand, um, that's where a majority of my team is. Uh, it's, it's almost a little hard to really niche here. Um, it's better to kind of keep your doors open. So like for, for me, I. I'm primarily residential, [00:15:00] but I get to do a little commercial.

I've just sold a ranch. Like it's, um, it's small enough where you can kind of dabble in, in different stuff and it just, you know, just for what, what opportunities you're able to pick up, um, and then in the book, I'm in, this is maybe us just getting like too specific with it, like information overload. Um, you know, in the book, it was more examples of like.

Oh, like we're a real estate team that helps, uh, the senior market. Like it kind of gets into more of the niche. And so we were like, are we getting, do we keep it broad? Do we need to kind of niche with this? Like, that's kind of the issue that we were running into. No, you don't have to niche. If you want an issue, but you definitely don't have to.

Yeah. Okay. Um, I guess, uh, so like for just general, like [00:16:00] framework for a real estate agent, what's like, Oh, sorry. What, what's kind of like, where does that go? A framework for a real estate agent? Yeah, like, um, so I'm, I'm a real estate agent that helps, or like, kind of like the, the verbiage behind it. Yeah. I mean, it kind of depends on who you are, but you want to start, I mean, my question for you is, do most of the realtors in your audience, do they have their own website or is it more like they have their own page within a parent company?

Page within a parent company. Okay, got it. Okay. So that's where they need to start is to doing their own website? No, you don't have to do your own website. I mean, a lot of people want to have their website outside of that and you certainly can. It does give you a lot more control over promotion [00:17:00] and SEO and getting found.

But, You are not, um, you can still be incredibly effective with just honing in on your page and really, again, going back to that problem that your clients struggle with, like, what are the common, common problems that they have and then what you really want to do is position your service as a solution to the problem that you've introduced.

Okay. So you introduce an agitated problem and you let them kind of marinate. You remind them of a problem that they already know they have, right? And you make them very aware of that. And then you. Introduce your service as the solution to that problem. And then you, you basically paint a picture of a better, brighter future for them.

So it's three different steps. And I have a five minute video that will walk you through this with a [00:18:00] worksheet. So I would highly. Completely free. Um, but going through the process of doing this, like brain dumping, the problems that they have, and then brain dumping the way that you solve this problem and then brain dumping all the benefits that they're going to receive after this problem is solved, like painted picture of a better future, not paint a picture of benefit of working with you, but about their life, their life.

After they're in their dream home or after they've sold their home and been able to up level. Um, so those are the ways that you need to tell your story on your page. And the same is true. The same is true. If you had your own website, do you have, you definitely can add additional sections on a website that you can't on a webpage, but if you do that, the, the, the [00:19:00] essence that the The essence of who you are and how you do your work will come through.

And most importantly, it will show them that you care about them more than you care about yourself. You care about solving their problem and that you want to get them to that end result of success. Okay. So that, like my way of thinking about it was completely even wrong. Like I was like, how do we, what it was more about, my question was more like we, um, and you're saying, you know, Find the problems that your customers have and work it backwards from there.

Yeah, we'll work, work it forward from there. Find, find, find the problem that your customers have, then introduce your service as the solution to that, and then paint a picture of a brighter future for them. That is story in and of itself. Born Identity, Karate Kid. Doesn't matter. Re order. Yeah. [00:20:00] Yeah. Um, Oh, you want to ask a question, Casey?

No, I was just thinking all of the above. Kind of like the downtown guru, how I or Rocky's mom. Love it. So how, like, I kind of think of this too, as like when people Like, I, I feel like, uh, social media, like your bio is kind of becoming like the new website, almost. Um, and obviously you, you can make like social media posts about this, of course, like videos, carousels, whatever it might be.

But like, okay, thinking about like Instagram specifically, um, there's only so many characters in the bio. Like, is there a way you can Position the story brand in such a short little space, like as simple as your Instagram bio. I highly recommend it. Okay. You know, most people's bios are all about them. The best thing you can do is really [00:21:00] like, I hate to be redundant, but it really is that simple.

And I want you to think of it like an accordion. So. Um, the, the shortest story ever told is a hero has a problem. A guide introduces their solution to their problem, and then they paint a picture of success. So in its shortest form, it's an Instagram bio. It is like two sentences. But it's a complete story.

And then if you want to, like in the accordion, accordion, if you want to expand it out in a post or in an article or on your website, you can delve into the problem a little bit deeper and then delve into your solution a little bit deeper and then delve into the success a little bit deeper. But it's, it really goes like this, depending on.

Um, you know, what you're writing for it for podcasts, interviews, or if [00:22:00] you're going to appear on a different podcast, um, you can do the same thing with your bio. Yeah. Yeah. So can you, like, can you give us an example of like a real estate agents, but like just general, I mean, I know obviously we want people to pay to work with you, but just kind of in an example.

Um, okay. So a problem might be like. Most buyers and sellers miss life changing deals because they're swamped with uncertainty. Right. So that is like a problem that a lot of buyers and sellers have. They have a lot of questions. They don't take action because they don't want to, there's a lot at stake, right?

It's like the future of. Of their wealth. So they kind of get frozen and then they end up missing opportunities because of that. And then the solution to that might be something like, the solution needs to be so simple. And this is [00:23:00] where I, again, like a lot of mistakes are made because people get excited about how they solve their problem, but what we want to do here is keep it very, very short and concise.

So it would be like. I'm a real estate agent who simplifies the entire buying and selling process, or I'm a realtor who focuses on building wealth through smart real estate decisions. That's your solution. And then the success would be so you can make smarter decisions, get what you want and maximize profits.

Okay. Well, that is. That is a very short accordion closed accordion story, but that is enough to hook people and have pull them in and show them that you care and that you know how to solve their problem. That's all they really care about. [00:24:00] Yeah, that that's honestly, yes. And I feel like real estate agents have a hard time with that as is like, even just, I was talking about.

Like, uh, like hiring a showing agent, for example, instead of having like a, you know, like a 50, 50 buyers agent or something. Um, me and another, one of my friends were talking about having a showing agent and it's like, I'm like, Oh, but I don't want to, like, I feel like they want to work with me. Like they picked me specifically.

And my mentor friend was like, no, they don't. They just care about getting the house. Like, yes, they picked you. Yes. But like if you have another person that works with you, they're going to be okay with that. They just want to see the Tim house. They want to be taken care of. They want to be taken care of.

And part of your brand is making sure everyone's taken care of. And yeah. It's, it's a great way to scale, uh, to bring more people in to help support you. But people, [00:25:00] you're right, they don't care. They, they want to get the house that they want and you or your team can help them do that. Yes. Like I was making myself the hero in my own little story without even realizing it.

It's so, it's so common. I know it makes me feel self centered though. I'm like, damn it better than everybody else is like that too. And I actually don't even think you're making yourself the hero. You're just having a thought that most service providers have, which is it's the it's relationship based. So it's gotta be relationship between me and them.

Um, but really it's relationship with your brand. And so there can be many people within your brand that they can work with. Um, so how like, okay. So we talked about like something short, like an Instagram bio then on the flip side, so I've got like buyer and [00:26:00] seller guides that I like a little freebie for people, um, you know, to kind of see what it would be like to work with us or, you know, what we.

You know, just style stuff about us. Um, and there, I guess mine are kind of lengthy. I'm like, how do I apply something like the story brand? I mean, I know I can put like, like, I know I can put stuff in there, but if my buyer and seller guides are longer, like, I guess, let me just pull up, for example, how many pages they are.

I kind of go through like the process. It's almost like a little book. Like, do I, uh, well, I guess my listing one is 23 pages. My buying one is 53 pages. You know, am I making the message too clear or too unclear by having all that information in there? Or do I, is this like something I, I give, [00:27:00] like, do I do a different kind of freebie and do that stuff?

Like if they ask for it down the line, I think that the, the era of downloadable PDFs is kind of. At its end, I think it's pretty saturated. Um, and the way people like to digest information these days is through video. So, um, like for the realtor that I most recently worked with, I love that you have a guide for both the buyer and the seller because As a guide, what you're going to be telling them, which is two different things.

You can't, you can't merge that in, in a guide. Um, so I think you're right on track with that. Um, but I would recommend just a five minute video at the very most, like people do not have the attention span these days for a 53 page PDF. [00:28:00] Um, they do have the attention span for. For a five minute video and you could, it could be fundamentally the same thing.

Um, and you could even, you could even copy and paste the bulk of that information into chat, GBT, GPT, and, um, say convert this to a five minute video.

The other thing I love about that is that people are going to get a sense of how you talk, how you, how you look, your inflection there. It's going to be easier for them to like, start this relationship out. Yeah. Knowing who you are and you're as a guide, you know, as somebody who's providing a guide, you're really being generous and you're, you really genuinely wanting to help them, but you're also showing them that you're a master at this and you know how to, you know what you're talking about.

So you don't need to, [00:29:00] you don't need to do anything longer than a few minute video to get that across. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. And it does not need to be a high production value. Just you talking to, you could record it on zoom or whatever it does. People don't really care about, you know, high quality video quality.

They just need to be able to hear you. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. And there's been like your newsletters, like links and loads and things like that. I think it's great. So should it run every week or should it just be when you first come out with it? Um, for your guide? Like my new video? Every week, every month, my monthly newsletter.

Should I keep that link there or do you think it should just be like a one and done? Oh, I think you should keep it in there. Yeah, because people are people are going to be more receptive to it at different times, depending on what's going on in their life. So you might put it in the [00:30:00] footer, like, as you sign off, everybody reads a PS, a lot of people don't read the actual newsletter, but they they pop down to the PS.

So one tip is to always have a PS in there and you'll probably start noticing yourself that you do it too. Like you're like, I don't have time to read the newsletter, but I'll go down to the PS in the PSA, by the way, if you haven't, you know, watched yet, here are my five tips for getting the, finding the perfect home.

Even in, you know, even with, you know, high interest rates or, you know, whatever. Um, and I'm like, yes, I'm going in my email signature. I need to email signature somehow. Yes. And if you can email your people once a month is great. Even more frequently is even better. Couple times a month. And it doesn't [00:31:00] have to be anything.

Lengthier profound. It could just be like, Hey, we just closed this deal. This couple was ready to retire and wanted to change their life. And here's what they were struggling with. Here's how I solved the problem. And here's all the benefits that they're experiencing. You know, if you have interest in this type of property.

Let me know. There's just a million types of directions that you can go with the newsletter that can be helpful, even if it's not opened. You're in their inbox. So you use stay top of mind. Yeah, they see your name. That's worth its weight in gold, even if they don't open it. Yeah. Okay. So, um, I guess, can you tell us a little bit about what working, like actually signing up and working with you looks like?

So I know, um, it looks like you have kind of three different options on your website, like the free five minute little kit, and then you can, like, go deeper. Can you tell us a [00:32:00] little bit more about that? Yeah, I have a freebie. That's how to tell a compelling story in five minutes flat. That's the one I mentioned earlier.

It's a very quick five minute video and, um, a little worksheet that you can work through that will help you really tell. a good, solid foundation of a story. Um, the way I, the way I work with people is because of the bottle effect and because we're all so close to our own selves, and it's so hard to write our own copy, my main offer is a done for you copywriting.

service. So we're all spread too thin. Everyone's busy. And my promise is that you can have copy that that sells for your website or your webpage in 2. 5 hours flat. So the process begins with me extracting the gold from your brain. This is me like pulling out the components of the [00:33:00] story that are inside you because they're there.

They're just cluttered up with a whole lot of other information. And so I pull that information out of your brain. Then I write your copy for you so you don't even have to deal with it. No more torture. And then you and I, you and I meet on a 90 minute call and we really infuse your voice. Into the copy.

So it feels exactly aligned with who you are. We don't want to put anything out there that doesn't feel truly aligned with you. And then, um, yeah, and then I, basically we transfer that copy to the website or the webpage, and I look over to make sure the visuals are all dialed in, cause we really want to make sure the visuals are telling the same story that the, the words are.

So you really, I mean, yes, you're a certified story brand guy, but I mean, you're able to go much deeper into all of the marketing and like. [00:34:00] Actual nuts and bolts, like website design, stuff like that too. Yes, that's right. Right. Everybody comes through. So red door designs is my company name. If you, if you want to come through the red door, we go through the copy that sells in 2.

5 hours flat process. And then at that point, you can take that copy and you know, it's yours. You can do what you want with it, that the work we do together, it really becomes your brand copy Bible. So you have one document that you always go to anytime you need to write anything about your business. Um, if at that point you need help with website design or anything else, marketing related, we've built that solid foundation.

And then I take that information and create the other components that you need. Okay. So you make it easy for everybody. I do. I do. I love the work. I really, really love the work. And I love watching the relief on my client's faces. [00:35:00] Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that's how it works. So, um, and you said your mom was a realtor, correct?

She was, yeah. Was she an agent when you started doing the certified storybrand stuff before, or? I think she had just recently retired when I started doing this work, so I didn't get to apply. The framework to her marketing, but she was, um, yeah, she was a realtor for windermere for many years and, and she did great.

I mean, she was very successful and she was in the same community for a very long time, kind of a small tight knit community. And so people were very loyal to her. Um, but my grandmother was also big into real estate buying property. Rentals and I've [00:36:00] kind of carried in her footsteps in that regard as well.

Yeah, so awesome. Okay. So yeah, that kind of gives you that real estate knowledge background that you were kind of telling me about. Um, what like demographics are you working with most specific or not demographics, but, um, is real estate like one of your big industries that you're working with or. Yeah.

Yeah. Loan originators, realtors, um, service providers, as long as you're really the face of your business or when you are the business, that's, those are the people I really like to work with. Yeah. Yeah. Well, and it makes some, like, we've had a couple of marketing people on here too. And, um, you know, I talk about how it can be kind of hard, like so much of marketing right now is.

Giving yourself, um, authenticity and making yourself more human and relatable. Um, but then, you know, then we have, or at least like for me, I've got [00:37:00] empower real estate group that we've got our own, like. Brand for that. And I want to include myself in some of that, you know, to make it more personal. And then we've got like stuff for the team, but it can just be, it, we can be hard when it's like a, a team based deal.

Um, I don't know. I'm trying to think of how to word it. It can be hard to really like position yourself as. Um, so do you also work with like teams or like, kind of like brokerage styles as well? I mean, your brand is the guide, um, you might be the, the lead guide of the other guides, but your brand is really the guide.

And, and yeah, I work with teams as well. Um, so it doesn't have to just be like the solopreneur, um, team. Yeah, yeah. There's always a way, even with [00:38:00] multiple people, always a way to kind of tell the story. I've, I've yet to, um, work with a client that it hasn't worked really well for. Awesome. Yeah. So, uh, so we've talked newsletters, buyer and seller guides, social media.

Um, where else are you seeing people implement this? You know, in their, in their lives as real estate agents. Yeah. I mean, I would recommend the beautiful thing about it is like you, if you do the work of telling your story, if you go through that, my freebie of compelling the compelling copy in five minutes freebie, you've got a foundation there.

And then I really recommend just. You know, putting it everywhere, um, marketing is really an exercise and in memorization and you're getting sick of your own messaging. That's when it's actually going to start to [00:39:00] work for you because other people are starting to memorize it. Others, they need about eight times to hear the message, to actually digest, to really commit it to memory about who you are, what you're about.

So I recommend putting it. Everywhere. Um, the one liner is what we call it. It's that very short, concise story, put that in your email signature. That can be one of the best things that you can do. Every email that goes out your email signatures there. Probably you have a little photo of you and maybe your handwritten signature or something like that.

And your title and contact info. But what can really work well there is your one liner. So that two sentence short story about the problem that you solve. Um, and then without even thinking about it, every email that goes out, it's getting committed to memory to everyone who's receiving it. So that's one place that [00:40:00] I, that I think people forget how valuable that little bit of real estate is in the form of your email, um, in your LinkedIn banner.

So If you're on LinkedIn, you know, put a, a condensed version of it up there in your banner, also in your profile, um, any blog posts that you do or email newsletters, um, your, your website or your webpage, of course, um, Really any, any type of writing that you're doing for your business, if you're going to be on a podcast interview, that's the information that you'd want to send over.

Um, I can't think of any piece of marketing that you wouldn't want to infuse your story into. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So, you know, you, you know, in your, you could put it on a, um. I don't know what your office situation is, but it'd be [00:41:00] great to, like, have it on the backdrop behind the reception area or, you know, on a wall.

Get people rallying around this new way of thinking about the way you guys solve the problem and how unique that is. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Create a lot of alignment, a lot of alignment with team members. Yeah. It's incredibly powerful that way. Yeah. Love that. I like that idea. I have the words that I want my team to go by, like driven, like those things, I have those on my wall in my office, so.

Yeah. Yeah. Well, I need to add my mission other places. Take them down. Not that, not that there's anything wrong with those words. Like you could certainly keep them up there, but people love to feel like they're part of something bigger. And when you tell this story, your team members are going to really be like, yeah, this is what we're about.[00:42:00] 

This is what we do. And, um, I think inspiring words is important. There's nothing wrong with that, but I think like telling a story that you can all rally around is going to be really powerful, not only for the team, but for all the people that you work with. And then you can even, what's kind of fun too, with, with team members is to say, okay, I'm going to randomly ask people on the team, what our one liner is.

And if you, if you can recite it back to me, you get 20 cash. So get people to, to start memorizing it, that are on your team. And so the growth really, um, multiplies when you do that. It's pretty cool. Yeah, that's a good little, well, I guess a good little hack there. Love it. So, um, as we kind of roll, uh, roll up our episode here at the end, do you have any other last minute hacks, tips or tricks, [00:43:00] uh, for our agents that are listening in, I think the main thing I would say is just.

Like, start to understand the difference between the hero and the guide. And even when you're, if you're watching a movie or reading a book, like kind of start thinking about who they are and then start thinking about that for yourself. I think if you just did that and nothing else, things are going to start to change for your business because people are going to feel a different type of care that comes through your communications.

Yeah. It's really beautiful. It's, it's a really beautiful tool for creating authentic connections and helping you authentically put yourself out there online, even when you can't be there in person and really have those two things feel very aligned. Yeah. With you. [00:44:00] Awesome. Uh, Casey, any other last minute questions?

No, I mean, my big thing was my newsletter because I'm really focused on pulling that out and making it bigger and better and making it more of a thing that's going to produce. So. Awesome. so much for coming on the podcast. Um, guys. Okay. So we've got her, we've had her website. Um, so you can see an example of what a great story brand looks like, but also go on there and get her freebie.

Um, I just downloaded it. I'm going to watch it, um, tonight, uh, and kind of go through her little playbook on that. Um, but yeah, I mean. Get connected with Chris. This is an amazing opportunity for you guys. And I really, um, like we said, it's just been, it's a, it's definite minds, uh, mindset switch having to position yourself as the guide and making your client, um, you know, the hero of the story and Chris, I'm with you.

I think I'm going to start [00:45:00] like practicing, really trying to see. The world like that and, um, recognizing that in, in other people's material, I mean, movies, TV shows, books, um, you know, other people marketing out there and small business owners. So, um, yeah, just really appreciate it. And it's so nice to be connected to a certified person right after reading the book.

So thank you. Yeah. Yeah. Wonderful to be here. You guys. Thank you. It was an honor. And yeah, it was a great conversation. So thanks a lot. Awesome. Well, we will see everybody on next week, uh, on Mondays and please don't forget to follow us on Spotify and Apple podcasts. We are on there now. We post almost daily on our social media also to make it easy for you.

Click the link. Look at the bell and then make sure I, yes, get the bell, get the notifications going. So, you know, when they, when they come out, awesome. [00:46:00] But thank you, thank you again, Chris. And thank you to our audience for, for hopping on following. All right. Bye bye.

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