Have you ever felt paralyzed trying to explain your business? If you can’t, your website will turn perfect clients away. The good news is that there's a powerful shift that changes everything – and it's not what most marketing "experts" tell you.
In a recent conversation with Jordan Rothwell Perry, we discuss how I’m helping entrepreneurs transform their websites from digital ghost towns into 24/7 client-attracting machines, even while they sleep.
Here's what you'll discover and why it matters to you:
🌟 The "Bottle Effect" that keeps brilliant business owners stuck (and the simple way out)
💫 How one chiropractor went from shy practitioner to fully booked without ever feeling "salesy"
⚡️ Why your website might be pushing dream clients away (even if it looks beautiful)
Running a business is demanding enough without staying awake at night wondering if your marketing is working. I know how frustrating it can be to pour your heart into your work, only to struggle explaining its value to others.
That's why I'm excited to share this episode that breaks down why the most successful businesses aren't necessarily the "best" —they're the ones people feel most connected to. You’ll learn how to make that connection happen automatically.
Welcome to the clicks and giggles podcast. I'm your host, Jordan Rothwell Perry, and I'm here to make your marketing click, connect and convert. My mission is to help good people with great offers make more money through paid digital marketing strategies. I truly believe that one ad can change everything for you and your business.
Tune in weekly to unlearn what the bros and insert air quotes, agency gurus have led you to believe about advertising and hear from inspiring women in my network who are making business a little more live, laugh, launch, and a little less stuffy suit and tie because nobody playing the long game is having a terrible time.
Whether you're new to business. Making millions or you're just my mom tuning in for clicks and giggles you are welcome here in the room Get ready for a good time.
Hi and welcome to the clicks and giggles podcast your host here Jordan Rockwell Perry And I'm super excited for today's guest A new business colleague and friend of mine, Chris Jones is here. She is the owner of Red Door Designs. And I'm so glad to have you here today. I am so glad to be here, Jordan.
This is going to be fun. Yes. I'm super, super excited for you to be here. So Chris, can you tell the listeners just a little bit about yourself and your business? Of course. Yeah. I've had this business, Red Door Designs, for 23 years now. So I've been doing This type of work a very long time. I started out in design, brand design, graphic design, web design, and eventually realized that design will only get used so far and that my clients really needed to get clear with their storytelling and the words and really to have a powerful story online that's sold for them, and so, um, I, I over the years have really shifted the way I do my business.
I, I used to be very much design first and now it's all about storytelling. We start with that. We build that foundation. And then we move into the design phase of things, but it all, it all starts with story and I'm in Portland, Oregon, but I work with people all over the world. And I love helping entrepreneurs really find the words to confidently communicate what they do, whether that's out loud in person or on your website or on social media.
It's really, when you have a signature story, it's such a confidence boosting thing to have. And I think a lot of the, the people that I work with forget how powerful their work is, you're in it, you know, you're in your business all day, every day. And sometimes it's helpful to have an outside person come in and remind you of the problems that you solve and the incredible results that you provide for your clients and put that into words for you.
It's, it's just, it's super hard to, to write for your own business. So yeah, I like to let my clients off the hook and, and do that for them. Yeah. Right. They're already doing enough. So for you to be able to take that off their plate is such a gift. So how did it come to be? So I saw. I mean, I, I lurk on everyone, right?
So I saw on LinkedIn that you were an art director in the past, which is awesome. And I love before my grandpa started his agency back in the seventies and eighties, he was an art director. So love, love a creative mind. And so you went from that to then start going out on your own. And so as you're on your own.
When did that shift come and like, how did that come that you were like, hold on, I'm making these beautiful things, but they're, we need to switch to story first. How did that come to be? Well, we, you know, I've been doing this for so long that really, it was back in the day when, Originally, I worked for larger corporations like Nike and Adidas, and then I found my way to having my own business.
And I really gravitated toward people that were in a similar position as me, solopreneurs, small business owners, people that really were the face of their business. And this is back in the day when all you needed was a beautiful website to really do well as a business. People are like, Oh, They have a website.
They're a legit business, right? Yeah. We need to give them our money. Right. Right. So it was like, throw a, you know, a photo on there and, you know, the words didn't really matter so much. You just needed a website. And what happened was over the years, the landscape online changed and I had a client come to me.
Her name was Elise and she had a background in publishing. So she was actually pretty gifted with writing and words. And she had this business idea that she wanted to get out into the world. So she hired me to design her website. And the way that I used to do it back then is I'd say, okay, the project is going to kick off.
The design phase of the project is going to kick off on April 1st. So I need all your copy by the day before. And they would say, okay, and, you know, go off and either write their own copy or maybe hire somebody to try and figure it out themselves. That was something that, that they would always bring to me and then I would take it from there.
And so Elise was like, no problem. I'm going to write my own copy. And she called me the day that her copy was due and she was like, I don't know what is going on. I'm completely stuck. I'm paralyzed. I'm beating my head against the wall. The harder I try, the worse the copy gets. Like it's, I can't, I'm, I literally can't write this copy.
Can you please help me? And that was a really eyeopening moment because I really couldn't help her. And I just made it a mission to never let this happen again. So thanks to her. I went on a mission for a very long time, delving deep into how to really tell a powerful story and an effective story, a story that actually works to grow your business.
And this type of story is different than like a founder's story or the story of how you got into business. It's, it's a story that you share about. Your business, but it's really about inviting your potential clients into a story with you where you play a character in the story, but they really are the hero of the story.
And so I delved deep into that. I flew across the country. I went to workshops, I read books, I became one of the very first story brand guides. And through that process, I never treated any project the same again. And it always started with. With storytelling. And when I started applying these principles to my projects, I was getting phone calls from clients saying, Chris, I'm charging six times more for the exact same service because now the values.
Being communicated and my websites doing the heavy lifting for me, or I'm booking way more sales calls. And when I get on the phone with them, they're already sold on what I do. I don't have to sell anymore. I'm not wasting my time on calls trying to sell because. The website's doing that for me. And so I was getting this incredible feedback from clients that was just mind blowing and, and really affirming.
And not only that, I was applying the same principles to my own business because at that point, you know, it was. I was really relying solely on referrals, which is wonderful in a way, like it's great to be referred, but it's a really unreliable way to run your business because it can change dramatically from month to month.
And that whole way of running my business was really stressful for me. And so, I set my own business up with really powerful storytelling frameworks. And the same thing was happening. I was having people like taking the train into Portland to meet with me because they wanted to hire me. And like that happened multiple times.
And I've really, since I, since I shifted gears and shifted focus and, and delve deep into story with my own business. I've never had to worry about getting clients. Wow. Yeah. Very neat. Yeah. So you, you ended up taking and applying what you had learned for your clients yourself, which I feel like for entrepreneurs is such a hard thing to do because we're so in the weeds of our own stuff and serving our clients well, but kudos to you because you know.
How it pays off. That is awesome. That is really, really neat. How long ago did you kind of dive into StoryBrand, like becoming a StoryBrand guy and all that? It was 2017. So it was before the book Building a StoryBrand even came out. Wow. That is awesome. And had you just been following Donald Miller? Yeah.
Yeah. He's actually a Portland guy. Cool. Yeah, he lived here. He went to college here and, and so yeah, I had been in his radar for a long time and, and really resonated with the way he, he really takes or his approach simplifies marketing in a really beautiful way. And my whole approach to marketing is very much a less is more approach.
I like to do, like, what's the most, the minimal you can do, because we're all, we're all wearing lots of hats. So how can you, you know, set yourself up to allow your business to, and your marketing to do the work for you so you can do, focus on the work that you really love? Absolutely. No, that is awesome.
Okay. So it's been seven ish years now. That's awesome. Yeah. So, so if someone's listening and we, you know, before we were chatting about some people who listen are like working on their first hundred K or some have done six figures a couple of years in a row and now they're heading into the scaling aspect.
If someone is starting the initial work on like, what is my story? A lot of people I've worked with. Don't even have the website in the beginning because they've sold coaching packages to people and they just haven't needed it But like you said you want your marketing to work for you and in your story and copy to work for you So what is kind of the first step into obviously?
I want people down the road to hire you and and to totally outsource it to you But if they're in the beginning stages What, what is a tip or something they could do now to even start kind of developing their story and, and pondering like, what is the story I tell that does put my client or customer as the hero?
Yeah, absolutely. I actually have a freebie that does, that will literally walk you through how to brain dump the fundamentals of the game. Your story and it's a five minute video and it's called how to write compelling copy in five minutes flat. So it's a five minute training where I show you and I walk you through everything, and then it comes with a Google doc where that you can, with prompts that will show you exactly how to do it.
It's a three step process. It will not take you long, but it'll change the way. You talk about your business forever, and that can be found on my website at RedDoorDesigns. com. Perfect. And you can just, um, click on free guide there in the upper navigation. Perfect. And we'll put that in the show notes too.
That is perfect for them, for the person listening who's like, I know I need to do something. But what, what does it look like? Yeah. And everybody does need one page online. That's going to sell for them. You can call it a website. You can call it a one page website. Like everybody needs one page that's going to sell for them.
If they, if they want to stop, you know, the grind, right. You send everybody to that page and you know that it's set up to sell for you. And it just makes life so much easier. And on that page, you can pull that up when you get on a sales call with somebody and you've got those words right there in front of you to share.
That's so smart too, as a guide while you're on calls to be able to, to pull. No, that's awesome. I'm, I'm excited for people to get your guide. as well. So in, in your business, what have been some of your favorite projects that you've, you've worked on? Oh gosh, this morning I went and got a chiropractic adjustment and I know this guy because he was a client of mine and he is an extraordinary chiropractor, like really gentle, incredible approach.
And it's really like, I really deeply love all the projects that I work on, to be honest, because the. The clients that I work with always are solving a very important problem. But Dr. Norman in particular, he is kind of a shyer guy, doesn't really feel comfortable marketing and his website did not reflect his level of expertise.
He is such a master at what he does. And he helps people like get out of chronic pain and what was really, what's really lovely for me is to work with, you know, people who are transforming other people's lives. So listening to his, his testimonials and what he is doing for people just was made me feel so good about the work that I'm doing for him.
The beauty is that. We wrote him a really powerful, compelling story. We put that on his website. About half of my clients have me design and build their website. Once we've, once we've crafted the signature story, which is what he had me do. So not only did I get to craft the story for him. Then I got to design his page on online and that really does the work of selling for him.
So he can just, he can get back to the work that he really enjoys. The good, the good meaningful work. Yeah. Yeah. And just know that like, just he can send people there, they can schedule with him, they get a sense of what he does and they get excited to work with him. So it's, it's really made a big difference in his business.
No, I love that. I. Have the summer this past summer, just kind of taking it easier per se, which I have not really done in business in a while. We just moved from Florida, sorry, from Georgia to Florida. So getting settled and my husband's a Georgia boy, so this is all new to him. So I wanted to take it in and I was telling him, I was like, okay, you know, with the fall, I've just been feeling uninspired.
And then I pondered more and more. And I was like, It actually doesn't matter that I was feeling uninspired because I went and looked at exactly what you're talking about, the different clients of mine on routine or their missions. And I was like, that fires you up. Like, I may not feel inspired today, which is fine.
And, but knowing that, like, just what clients are doing and who they can help, that's what matters. So, I agree with you. I love, I love that perspective, too. When you know the people you work with are doing that deep work, that does matter. Yeah, and often they're, they're kind of invisible in their industry because they're just, they're so, such experts at what they do or they're so passionate about the work that they, they just have their head down and they're doing the work and relying on referrals.
And really what they need is like more sustainable, consistent income and growth over time. And so it's, it's an honor to get to. help people craft this story and to help them grow. It's such a good point too about people who like have their head down, they're doing the work. That chiropractor obviously sounds very humble in what he does, you know, he's just day in and day out doing it.
And Just like you said, if people aren't referring just because they're busy in their life too and they're going, you know, they may not have a conversation that day where they need to refer him, how lovely to have a place to go on a website where people can just learn more. I agree 100%. You know, there will be the debate in business like, do you need a website yet or no?
And I agree with you. It's like, you just need a place for them to land. It's one page. Yes. It's not. It does not have to be crazy. And then, you know, I'm always, I'm like, especially with running ads to a page where they need to land, I'm like, have them book a call or have them fill out a form. Like, we just need them to do something, especially like, if the only way you can get a client or customers when you're awake and working and talking to them or at a networking event.
That's a lot of pressure you need to be able. To go to bed knowing if someone, I, I actually had a chiropractor that we were, I coached them on their ads. They run, the wife runs a practice and she's been learning ads at awesome. And she was telling me that a lot of the forms are filled out in the middle of the night because they're in this chronic pain, they're up, they're like, I need help, and they fill out the form at two in the morning.
Well, you're not. In your office then, right? And so a place for when someone, you know, in the chiropractic or health realm is hurting and they can land what a gift and, and, and also like, what a shame if people are pouring money into ads and pointing it, pointing it to a page that. Falls flat or doesn't make it clear what you want to do.
Right. I know your client, your clients are not in that position, but I have clients come to me and they're spending over a thousand dollars on ads every month and they're showing me where the ads are going. And I'm like, press pause, pause, don't, don't pour it, pour your money down. Let's wait a second.
Let's make it look nice and say 100%. That's what I always do. I talk a lot about getting your house in order. And so that is, you know, if someone is like, we need leads, we're ready to go. This client actually, it's funny you say that the landing page was not what it needed to be. It was not converting. And so I said, you know what, we need to just do an on Facebook and Instagram lead form.
You're actually on the app scrolling, you fill it out and they reach out to you because the website wasn't where it needed to be, right? Right. And so 100 percent I'm always like, where are we sending them? What's happening? And that That was honestly how a lot of my offers had changed because I was doing only ads, only launches, but people would come to me and I'd be like, Oh my gosh, this is terrible.
Or like, this is broken on your site auditing so much that now we actually start from the beginning. And I'm like, okay, I love that you want to launch in 90 days, the first 30 days. Here's what you need to do. Am I doing it or are you, you know, because someone, someone has to. And so 100 percent the metaphor I like to use is.
You, you send, you send out a bunch of invitations to your housewarming party, but your house is a total disaster and still under construction. And so people are coming and you're not, you're not ready. Like the doors, the doors practically locked or, or falling off the windows. Yes. And it's so true. Like when, when you are driving traffic, let's make sure that it is right.
And it does 100%. I think that the ad success stories of like 2019 and 2020, which like, what a great time to be alive and running ads back then it was fun. Yeah. And we also were home. So there's nothing to do but build your business and run ads. Right. And so many people have gotten in the game since then that, yeah, the competition is higher.
And those with the better website, copy, story, once you send them to the site, that's what makes them convert. And that's something I analyze with people, with clients, is looking at the page and being like, Well, people are only staying on this page for 10 seconds. Or, oh my gosh, people are staying on this page for two and a half minutes.
They're reading, they're. Enjoy, it may not be the time for them to buy it, but they are consuming this. So I agree. I love, I love thinking about the house. Like when you said that I could just imagine someone walking in with something to bring as a gift, but like the counters aren't on yet. So they can't put it down.
Like, right. There is a problem here, right? They're excited. They're excited to be there, but like it's empty or it's like covered in cobwebs. Yeah. The disconnect. Yeah. No, I, I think that. Yes, 100%. And I am glad to have gotten to that point where like, I can say, Hey, you're not ready because there's also people out there who run ads who just want you to sign up and just want to run ads.
And when the traffic hits there, it is what it is. They did their part. And it's like, well, hold on. What if we had paused three months, six months, you took it over, did your thing or, or whatnot. It really, it really does, does matter. That, that's a good way to put it. I like that to use for the future. Yeah, it goes right along with your, get your house in order.
I always tell people, I'm like. Go, you know, every couple of weeks, click and look at your Instagram, check your link in bio, are there broken links? Check through your site just because things can change and can break, but just make sure what is, what is that first impression they're seeing. And now I'm excited to go on some of your clients sites, like I've already been on your website, but to see, to see the storytelling, it sets it apart from sitting in front of a Google doc going, what am I going to write about, right, when you have this framework.
That you're, you're bringing them through. I think that's great. Well, and a big part of what I do is really, we start with the signature story, but that's kind of part one. And then part two is really how do we. infused design components into your story that really bring to life that story and compliment the story.
I mean, so often people either invest in the visuals or they invest in the story, but they don't invest in both. And when you're doing both those things together, when. The design really truly brings to life the story, but that's kind of when you start to bubble up to the top of the internet, because when someone comes to your website, it feels good.
They don't even know why they just know this feels good. And then the whole idea is people don't really buy from the best. They buy from the one they feel the most connected to. And when you're, when you're telling story, that's. That's the powerful way to cultivate true connection and really build trust.
And those are the two necessary ingredients of converting a client. Love that. That, that is, this is really neat. And I hope, you know, people listening will head to the show notes, grab your free guide. I even am like, Oh, I want to dig in and dive in just because I read Donald Mueller's book a couple of years ago.
But the refresher and just, just that thought process too of. The story and it's not, I think sometimes, especially if people aren't writers, they're like, Oh, I have to write copy. Oh, I have to get this turned over, turned in like what you saw. And really it's like, no, this is, this is meaningful, meaningful stuff.
So well, and to kind of give your listeners a break, I mean, the reality is it isn't fun to write about your own business and it can feel like a big headache. And it's because of the bottle effect, which just means you're so close to your own business. It's like you're inside of a bottle trying to read the label that can only be read from the outside.
And so it doesn't matter how hard you try. It just, it feels very, very hard. And, and so, you know, I want to let everybody off the hook around that, but also, also just that, yeah, you're just, you're just so close to it. But the gift is your story. Your most powerful story isn't even about you. It's about your clients, isn't it?
About. The role that you play in their lives and it's a kind of a shift of like, Oh my gosh, I gotta write a story about, you know, all about me. And it's actually not necessarily all about me. Yeah, yeah, that well, and it's so funny you say that it's not all about you, which is such a good reminder. And when I was in that moment of not feeling inspired, I was like, well, it's actually literally not about you.
So if your clients are still seeing results and the work's being done and things are coming along, this doesn't matter right now, you feel, you know? And so I love that reminder too, of, you know, when someone's on your site, they do want to see, you know, what's in it for them. And is this, is what you did for this person?
Is this possible for me? And we know it is. But it's that communication of it part that, that is awesome that you partner with people to do that. If someone wants to work with you, chat more about potentially hiring you, where is the best place to find you? And we'll link in show notes as well. Well, surprisingly, the best place to find me is on my website.
It's reddoordesigns. com, r e d o o r d e s i g n s dot com. Everything we talked about today is there, you can get the freebie there, you can book a free money making messaging call with me there, and you can also learn about my signature offer. I love that, I love the money making messaging. So here, at the Clicks and Giggles podcast, we talk about marketing, we talk about clicks.
And we also like to giggle and have fun. So when you are not working, Chris, what do you enjoy doing for fun ways to, to unwind and just enjoy life? Yeah, I have a, a six year old little boy, so a lot of my time is spent. With him after school, we like to do things like ride bikes. He, it was so cute. We were on a boat ride the other day with a few friends and somebody asked him, his name is Jude.
And yes, it's after the song, Hey Jude by the Beatles. And somebody asked him, what was your favorite thing that you did this summer? And we've done, we've done a lot of cool stuff, but he said, Snuggling with mommy in bed. I was like, oh my gosh, I love this kid. Yes, that's making me tear up. That is sweet. And those are the, that's what matters.
And what a blessing that your job allows you to be able to, to do that and make time for what matters most. It's the best, isn't it? The freedom, the freedom that we have is just absolutely worth it. Well, I am so glad you were on the podcast tonight. Thank you for being here. It was a joy. Yeah. Thank you for having me.
Oh my gosh, always. And everyone listening, if you are interested in learning more about Chris, working with Chris, head to the show notes and get the link to our free guide in your site. And that's a wrap. Thank you for listening. If you were inspired by this episode, be sure to check out the show notes for the linked resources and my free guide, Three Ways to Know You're Ready for Ads.
If weekly episodes aren't enough for you and you want more of your favorite click magnet, you can connect with me over on Instagram at launchwithjordan. I host regular challenges and drop valuable tips that will help make your marketing click, connect, and convert. And if you think you would inspire a friend, send it, share it just for clicks and giggles.
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