One story can transform your entire business.

Let me write it for you.

Get your business working for you instead of the other way around.

What did I learn working with these companies? The power of Story.

Brand Logos

You became a coach to have more freedom, but that's probably not how it feels.

Woman, struggling with ehr marketing

How many of these can you relate to?

You fumble your words when asked, "What do you do?".

Your income is inconsistent from month to month.

You rely solely on referrals which is unpredictable.

You cringe when someone asks for your website address.

People don't really "get" what it is that you do.

You get stuck and frustrated when writing for your business.

You've tried outsourcing but it didn't feel aligned with your voice.

You feel insecure on sales calls because you dread "selling".

People's eyes glaze over when you talk about your work.

You can't remember the last time you got a client from your website.

Allow me to introduce you to, future you.

Things are about to get sooooo much easier.

And you don't need to be a multi-million dollar company to get there.

People light up and lean in when you tell them what you do.

Your income is continually increasing over time.

The right clients consistently find you.

People "get" you and refer you to others who need you.

You enjoy sales calls 'cause you don't have to sell anymore.

Talking about your work ignites an engaging conversation.

You already have the words you need so writing feel simple.

You don't outsource copy because it's already done.

You proudly send people to your site because it's effective.

Leads effortlessly turn into paying clients.

I'm talkin' about confidence and clarity in every area of your business.

Get a Return on Investment

Implement a strategy that's so effective and timeless, it guarantees a return.

Stay in Your Zone of Genius

With powerful selling tools working 24/7, you can focus on what you love.

Know It's Done Right

Have an industry pro by your side so you have peace of mind it’s working.

How I replaced almost all of my marketing with a single story.

1. Craft Signature Story

I distilled my brand's essence, and unique value into a compelling narrative that authentically resonates with my ideal client.

2. Integrate Across All Platforms

I infused my Signature Story into all marketing platforms and materials, enhancing consistency, trust and recognition.

3. Connect With Audience

I used my Signature Story in emails and podcasts, demonstrating how my story aligns with what my audience wants.

4. Inspire Them to Take Action

I designed my Signature Story to lead to a strategic call to action that inspires leads to become paying clients that are excited to work with me.

An open book

Your Signature Story is the missing piece that can change everything.

Use it everywhere to sell for you 24/7


Sales Pages

Instagram Bio

Email Signature

Lead Magnets

Social Media Ads

Automated Email Sequences

Podcast Episodes

Consults & Sales Calls

eBook Introduction

LinkedIn Profile

Professional Bio

Instagram Stories Highlights

Facebook Group Page

Podcast Guest Introductions

YouTube Channel

Services Descriptions

Speaker Bio

Business Cards

Proposals & Estimates

I understand the second guessing and frustration that comes with trying to write it yourself.

I know you want to be a successful entrepreneur who makes good money and stands out for their expertise. In order to do that, you need to clearly communicate what makes you unique and why people should choose you.

The problem is, you don't have the amount of clients you need to reach your income goals. This can leave you feeling discouraged — unsure why your efforts aren't getting you results.

I believe that simplicity is the key to a successful business.

That's why I've spent the last 20 years honing my 'Less is More' approach to marketing. I've made it my mission to help entrepreneurs like you build a profitable business with minimal effort.

Here's how I'm different from the rest:

Uncover Your Story: I dive deep to reveal the powerful narrative already within you, setting the foundation for all your marketing.

Authentic Connections:

Leveraging your unique story to create connections, leading to more clients and consistent income growth.

Simplify to Amplify: We cut through the clutter, focusing only on a strategy that genuinely resonates with your audience, saving you time and money.

Let's get back to the heart of why you started your business. We'll infuse clarity, simplicity, and the power of your story into everything we do.

Ready to simplify your path to success? Book a call with me.

Kris Jones's signature
Logo StoryBrand

I was able to grow my business 5x faster!

I made 100k in just 93 days with my Signature Story!

This is not another diy course or group program.

It's just you and me, baby — 1 on 1.

Because you don't need more information. You need actual help.


The Signature Story-Selling System

Replace all your marketing with a single story so you can focus on what matters.

  1. WRITE > I will extract the story from your brain and write it for you.
  2. REFINE > We'll refine it together until it's perfect.
  3. CREATE > I'll create your deliverables while you refresh your website.
  4. DESIGN > I'll give you design guidance to elevate your website
  5. CONVERT > Your story will get clients for you 24/7

We'll hone your Signature Story so it communicates your value and resonates with your ideal clients. Use it everywhere you show up online and in person. This consistency builds trust, maximizes income and turns on the "client getting faucet".

You'll confidently walk away with everything you need for a simple and profitable business.


Your Brand Copy Bible

One document that contains all words you'll ever need to market your business. No more struggling with what to say. Just copy and paste it from your Brand Bible.

1 - Clarify Your Message

StoryBrand One-Liner

Elevator Pitch

A distillation your brand's essence into a powerful one-liner that opens conversations and captivates interest immediately.


Website Content

Engaging StoryBrand content that turns your website into your top sales employee so visitors become clients with ease.

Web Design


A detailed roadmap for your website, ensuring a solid foundation for design, flow, image placement and functionality.

2 - Build Immediate Trust

Homepage Video

Script That Builds Trust

A personalized video script to be featured on your homepage, that builds trust and connects emotionally with your audience.

Lead Magnet List

Building Strategy

A compelling lead magnet concept that captures emails and converts visitors into leads by offering valuable content.

Your Signature Process Infographic

A conceptual graphic recommendation that shows your unique process. This builds immediate trust.

3 - Increase Revenue

Testimonials That Sell

Three powerful testimonials are edited to highlight the transformation you provide in order to enhance credibility and increase conversions.

Social Media Profile Copy

Show up online like a pro with cohesive social profiles that help your followers easily understand what you do and why it matters to them.

30 Days of Strategy & Support

Office hour support from Kris for guidance and clarity that will accelerate your growth and simplify your marketing.


FREE BONUS - $500 Value

Freedom 15 Social Media Strategy & Templates

The 15 social media posts you need to strategically take a year off Instagram. These templates turn insta into a sales page that attract clients on autopilot. Includes professionally designed social media templates in Canva, ensuring your posts are both engaging and brand-aligned.

FREE BONUS - $500 Value

Irresistible Offer Pricing Strategy

Use your Signature Story to know exactly what to say on sales calls. Turn leads into clients without having to "sell".

FREE BONUS - $500 Value

Story-Driven Sales Call Method

Use your Signature Story to know exactly what to say on sales calls. Turn leads into clients without having to "sell".

FREE BONUS - $500 Value

Effortlessly Gather Powerful Testimonials That Sell

Learn how to get amazing testimonials from your clients that do the selling for you. This simple training shows you how to collect feedback that convinces future clients they need to work with you. It's like having a sales team without paying for one.

FREE BONUS - $500 Value

Headshot & Website Photos Made Easy

Find out exactly which photos you need to look like the expert you are and instantly connect with potential clients. Give this guide to your photographer to make sure you get the right shots that help you stand out.

FREE BONUS - $500 Value

StoryBrand Shortcut Training

Demystify StoryBrand™ and understand the Framework so you and your team members always know what to say and easily make smart decisions.

The Signature Story-Selling System

It sells for you 24/7, while you do what you love.

I have offerings at various price points depending on your needs. Let's take a look at your website together so I can show you the best path forward.

Kris helped me go farther, faster with the right Story.

When I saw my Story it was like, 'yes, this is me in words' and I didn't have those words until now. It was really freeing and rewarding.

–Dana Byers, Coach

More clarity = I'm closing 95% of my sales calls.

Crafting my Story helped me get clear in my own mind about what I do and how I do it. It's boosted my confidence and made me feel like an expert.

–Andrea Giles Coach

It felt too good to be true, and yet is was true!

I wasted at least two years trying to do it on my own. If only I had invested in myself sooner. Now that I have the right words, I'm way more confident — and I use those words in everything I do!

–Mikki Garner, Coach

Clients are already sold before I get on the call.

It was so easy for me because Kris did the heavy lifting. And yet, I was engaged in just enough to make sure the copy truly was aligned with my voice.

–Molly Claire, Coach

What's it like to work with Kris?

Let Donald Miller, author of Building a StoryBrand, tell you.


No icky selling tactics — guaranteed

My approach is based in authenticity, trust, connection and timeless storytelling methods that convert without all the pushy stuff.

Headache-Free Guarantee

Together, we'll walk through my streamlined process that's efficient and enjoyable. I'll be by your side every step of the way.

No Experience Needed Guarantee

I know exactly how to pull out the story out of your head and heart.

Love your Signature Story Guarantee

You'll love the Story we craft because it will be aligned with your voice and effectively pull in your ideal clients.

"It works! Within 24 hours of updating my site, a client booked my service without any sales call needed!"

A reddoordesigns client's portrait

"Working with Kris turned things around for me and my business. Within the first week I had 3 prospective client calls booked! (Normally I averaged 3 a month.)

I was initially worried by the price tag but now see the immense value she provided. Getting just one new client more than covered my investment."


A reddoordesigns client's portrait

"I used to spend hours on sales calls and it was eating up a lot of my precious time. 

Kris helped me simplify my Story and create a clear message that resonates with potential clients. A client just purchased my service without any sales call needed!

​Now I can focus on work I love because my website does the selling for me."


A reddoordesigns client's portrait

"I was initially hesitant because I had recently hired a writer who wrote in a style that just "didn't feel like me".

Kris' thoughtful guidance made the process not only fast and painless, it was fun!

Kris restored my faith AND captured my voice to a T. I'm delighted with the results!"


Portrait of Donald Miller

"I love Kris Jones' work"

— Donald Miller, Author of Building a StoryBrand

Colt Utley's Portrait

"My plate was full and I didn’t know where to begin. Writing my own Story kept falling to the bottom of my to-do list."

"When I found Kris, I kept thinking “if this woman can sell me on her website, she can definitely sell my clients on mine”.

Kris over delivered on her promise, she made the process so easy and so fast — I found I was enjoying the process. All I really did was answer some questions, (I didn’t even put much thought into how it sounded). Then, I just sat back and let Kris work her magic

I was so blown away by how quickly she put all the pieces together. I ended up with a strategic Signature Story that feels aligned and will help my business grow faster.

And the time she saved me was worth it's weight in gold. Now I can focus on the work I love while my Signature Story does the heavy lifting of attracting my ideal clients.

Colt Utley's Signature

I'm now charging 6X more for the exact same service.

Such a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

You captured my essence and voice so beautifully.

A comprehensive service at this price point is rare.

Write Compelling Copy in 5 minutes!


Video vignette o Kris Jones

Communicate Your Value

Always know exactly what to say.

Simplify Your Marketing

Use the method on all your content.

Know It's Done Right

With a timeless and proven strategy.


Does the offer include copy for all my website pages?

I take a comprehensive approach to website and sales page copy, so the page we write incorporates all the "typical website pages" into one page— an "About You" section and a "Services" section. Why? Because scrolling down your page is a much more intuitive and smoother way to digest information and tell a story. Now that most people are viewing your site on mobile, navigating to multiple pages in order to get the information your visitors need can feel "choppy".

What if I have changes after our session?

The offer includes 30 days of office hours support and 3 rounds of light edits on your existing Wireframe. We'll be sharing a Google Doc that's collaborative, so it's easy to ask questions and get feedback after our session is complete. Also, once your copy is implemented on your website, I'll review it one last time to make sure everything is perfect and set up to sell — not only from a copy perspective but also from a design and branding perspective.

Why is telling a story so effective on a website?

Storytelling taps into our primal/emotional brain, which is where decisions are made. Humans are simply wired for story because it's been the way we've connected since the beginning of time, sitting around the fireside. My approach is not only about telling your story, it's about inviting your customers into a story with you so they feel seen, heard and understood. Story is the most effective way to attract the right clients without the need for "icky selling tactics".

Does a "less is more" approach really work -- what I do is complicated and I have multiple audiences?

One of my favorite quotes is "If I had more time, I would have written you a shorter letter — Winston Churchill".

Getting your ideas clean and clear takes effort. This is why the internet is full of so much clutter. I think a lot of us overestimate just how much time our clients have to spend reading our website. You are doing your visitor a favor when you take time to edit and refine your message. When you respect their time, they trust you more. People actually don't read websites anymore, they scan them. So everything we create will be with that in mind. In the end, your copy will be easily digestible, effortlessly scannable and will inspire your potential client to work with you.

What's a wireframe?

Think of a wireframe as a blueprint. It's the best way to get your website strategy in place and your words clear, before the design process begins. You would never build a house without an architectural blueprint, so definitely don't build your website without one either.

Does this include website design?

Once your new website copy is transferred to your website, I'll record a loom video with my design feedback and guidance so you know it's done right. We'll make sure the visual story you're telling is aligned with the written story we've so carefully crafted.

Who does this offer work best for?

This offer works best for service-based owners, coaches and consultants ready simplify their business and get more clients.